NY Times Comment - April 2016

In an Age of Privilege, Not Everyone Is in the Same Boat http://nyti.ms/1SAKeGL

My comment:

Westchester, NY

My family and I traveled with my 89yo mother on a Norwegian Cruise ship, in the unique section known as The Haven. We are not "super rich" or the "elite". We are, however, people who budget their savings in order to afford special service when they travel. And why do we do this? To feel "special" or upper class entitled? We do this for some self pampering, yes, but also because on the ever larger ships of over 4000 passengers the crush of people is constant and the fight for lounge chairs around a crowded pool with ever pounding music tends to make a trip that much more unenjoyable. On our ship I observed people going to fine dining rooms in old t-shirts, jeans, and flip flops, walking through cabin passages they could barely fit through carrying a plate of curly fries at 11pm, and their children having a spitting contest to see who could reach the people walking on the decks below. So I save my pennies and I choose sections like The Haven. I am not a slob, I was taught manners and proper table behavior, and perhaps it takes a few extra dollars these days to find what I want. Is there a class distinction? Gosh, I hope so, because being classy is something that has disappeared from civilized living.