R. T. Saunders is primarily a creative non-fiction writer, telling the stories of people and the world they live in. His interests are eclectic, from gender to generational issues and spirituality. He is currently working on a variety of projects including work on the spirituality of caregiving, as well as a variety of short stories, some of which are showcased here. A dramatic stage play is also in development.
In addition to his writing, Mr. Saunders is an avid bicyclist, alpine mountain climber, and yoga practitioner. His lifelong interest in religion and spirituality is an eclectic, yet deep well of inspiration and wholeness. He is also an avid supporter of gender expression and gender difference as a touchstone of creativity.
Ronald has been published in Skive Magazine and in Cactus Heart Press. A regular contributor to Medium, Substack, and he can be followed on Twitter, @SpeakTruly.
His latest full-length non-fiction work, Giving Care: Spiritual Practice of Helping Others is coming this Fall.